I take pride in delivering
the full end to end service
Delivered by 'Paul Whitehead' your dedicated account manager, talent scout and consultant.
What do you get:
All these services are delivered by myself
Not shipped out to 3rd parties
What does it cost:
£1000 for initialisation and 1 day's search.
This covers full management of interview and offer process.
£60 per hour for additional CV search and screening candidates.
Weekly report of hours worked.
Billed at the end of the month.
Accurate expectations based on the brief will be given. For the average role, in 1 day, I will cover a full search of active candidates on CVLibrary/Reed/Indeed and a LinkedIn search of the first 300 relevant profiles.
I will run the advert for up to 1 month. The goal is to pause early when we have success with a hire.
This is where you have full control. I can halt searching and screening at any time. You can put a cap on the spend. To manage expectations, following the first day, an extra 8 hours (£480) to source further CV's and interview remaining candidates would be the minimum to create a quality short list.
I can run multiple positions. The £1000 initial fee is for each position.
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